Artists have always known the profound importance of the eyes in defining a human. When I used to do portraits, I'd always start with the eyes. I knew that if I got the eyes just right, the face would come out alright, regardless of how little detail I put to the rest of the face. Hence I could spend about 15 minutes on the eyes, and only another 20
minutes on the rest of the face.
To realize just how important eyes are in recognizing not just a face, but also the personality behind it, try wearing colored contact lenses, and look at yourself in the mirror.
I agree, funny thing about the eyes is that it's very hard to control when you are aware of your actions. And i do wear colored contacts at times and i would always get different reactions from people. it was quite an interesting topic of conversation whether my eyes were really that color. i've only recently started wearing clear contacts again after years of wearing colored lenses just to have a 'change' if you know what i mean. and i must say the reactions in people always vary. To what extent would you view 'love at first sight?' or more 'lust at first sight?
Oh, that explains why you wore glasses only during the first Storymoja workshop. Tell me: how did you ever get used to putting things in your eyes? See, the very idea just makes me cringe... and very few ideas give me such a reaction. Yet at the same time I admire people who can change their eye color at will.
Now about love at first sight: I believe that the human's means of perception are very complex. When you meet a person for the first time, there are many things you notice subconsciously, and file away. You notice the body language, the "personality aura" around that person, and so on. All these little nuances add up to your overall view of the person.
Because of this reaction in people, courses do exist that train people how to project a better personality aura. For example, if you train on a leadership aura, people will instinctively view you as a natural born leader. If you sharpen your feminine attributes, men will irresistibly be drawn towards you.
History abounds with people whose feminism or masculinity was above average. Marilyn Monroe and Madonna had their trail of infatuated men. These characters had simply learnt how to project their feminism.
So in my view, "Love at first sight" or "lust at first sight" is a rational reaction to a projected personality by the other person. The person may be projecting this aura deliberately of subconciously.
Love at first sight? doesnt exist.
Just a perception. People can only see what they want to see.
The other day i had a conversation with this herbal doctor who was telling me of this patient he had just treated with pure water.the guy claimed he had been bewitched by his neighbour, the stomach was enlarging.
What a fascinating blog Joseph. I will keep on reading it. You have some interesting perspectives.
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