By Jove, it’s said that nature abhors a vacuum. And hence in the absence of real external stimuli, the human mind conjures many a fantasies. These fantasies take up the mind, possess it, and if we allow them, they can propagate themselves up to the time when they materialize into reality. Unfortunately, we rarely do that. Held back by non-optimal paradigms, we look into our fantasies, smile wistfully, wish them away, and come back to mundane reality. In so doing, we bury our true potentials. The greatest graveyard in this universe is full of daydreams, fantasies and castles in the sky.
Yet this shouldn’t be. We are gifted with a most noble gift – the gift of imagination. We possess, at any one time, the power to take up our destiny, mould it, and make it fit the wildest fantasy. We have the ability to dream in color, and thereafter watch as the external world hardens into a cast resembling our full-color dreams. For whatever is in the mind, can be expressed. Whatever is envisioned can be created. And the only price for this is that extra courage to stare our destiny in the face and reshape it. Few people ever summon this courage.
As mortals, it is our highest duty to leave a mark on this earth. It is our bequeathed responsibility to dream, think and live in full color. We should always strive to see the entire color spectrum in all our endeavors. We should leap-frog from the mere neutral shades that our lives sometimes descend to. Then, and only then, can our spirits live in complete harmony with nature.
… Heed thee these words, and never stare a fantasy down.