Like the edge of the razor, so is the human intellect… when it is freed of all numbing, absolutely misleading comfort zones. For the human mind has inbuilt capabilities to take up any situation, however grave, turn it on its head, and make the best of it. However, in order for this to happen, the human needs to be released from mundane rituals – and cares that ultimately lead nowhere in particular. Unfortunately, most human minds are forever entrenched in a cyclical rut that only deepens the more the human struggles. Few people dig themselves out of this rut.
Now the essence of lucidity is the ability to envision reality – and the courage to look at this reality straight on. For the truth is that reality is awesome – and actually intimidating to the conventional mind. But the determined mind, when faced with this marvelous sight, overcomes the initial, overwhelmed feeling, and embraces reality, willing it to shine a light into ultimate destiny. This determined mind wrestles all nay-saying ghouls and maintains a perfect vector through the wilderness of reality. And, ultimately, this determined mind prospers where others fail.
Truly, lucidity is a rare gift indeed. Let those who have it treasure it for its fathomless worth.
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